Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why The Oatmeal Runs Long Distances

Absolutely every person who has ever run a half marathon or longer has, at some point, been asked why they run.  A casual browse of the internet will lead you to any number of blog posts and articles on this subject.  Some are profound and well thought out, some are witty, some are trite, some are sarcastic, some are rude or elitist, but most of them touch on a few similar points and ultimately start to blend together a little (not to take away from them - many are great articles, they just tend to blur together).
Well, recently, a friend of mine sent me a link to what has to be one of the most memorable and creative versions of the "why I run" story.  It is funny, sincere, and all around fantastic.  It comes to us by way of The Oatmeal (turns out he is an ultrarunner - which makes him even more great).  The article is entitled :

The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances

Go check it out.  It is AWESOME!

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